Registration NOW OPEN!

Call (415) 416-6475

Pottery classes Currently IN SESSION (COMPLETELY FULL):

Refund & Cancellation Policy:

  • Class fees are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
  • Dropping a class or switching classes after initial registration requires notice one week before class begins, as well as a $20 transfer fee. 
  • Refunds may be granted after 1 week prior to class starting,  under the following circumstances:
    • Personal illness that prevents the student from working with clay or at the studio. A physician’s note may be required as proof.
    • Instances of extreme, unexpected hardship. Examples include death or serious illness of someone close. These kind of exceptions are granted at the manager’s discretion, and do not include changes in priorities, job, or vacation plans.
  • Partial refunds may be granted at the manager’s discretion before the third week of class in the event that a replacement student can be found. In this instance, a refund will be granted equal to the pro-rated amount paid by the new student, minus a $20 fee for accounting.



Student Open Studio Hours:


We recommend making use of this time to practice any skills or make up any working time you may have missed during class absences.  We do not want to turn students away, but due to capacity limitations, we cannot allow students to come in outside of these hours.  


Please note that the minimum age to register for this class is 16 years old. 




CBTB Make Up Policy:

In the event of missed classes, students are welcome to attend other classes during the session they are registered for to observe demonstrations they may have missed. As our classes are often full, we can NOT guarantee wheel or work space to students making-up. Students registered for the class will have priority on the equipment and workspace during their scheduled class time.

Students should only be making up a class at their skill level:

-Intro Students should attend Intro to Wheel Classes or Try It All Classes

-Hand Building Students should attend any other Hand Building Classes

-Next Step Students should attend Next Step Classes

-Advanced Students may attend any other Advanced Classes


The best way to ensure you receive the most instruction time is to attend the class you are registered for.

Enjoy the flexibility of a 1-time clay class! 

Explore working with clay during a 2-hour lesson, guided by one of our studio instructors!  Lesson includes demonstration and guidance while creating one small piece.  Typical projects include hand building with slabs, pinch pots or coils.  Clay and 1 glaze color included in price.  Call to schedule and start working with clay today!


$175/person for a 2 hour lesson.


1-Time Clay Classes:

Please call to reserve a space!




Pottery classes take place every week and registration in always open.

(415) 416-6475

747 Beach St. San Francisco, CA 94109

(415) 416-6475


Open Everyday, 10am - 9pm

Open Studio Hours: 12pm - 6pm 


Over 3 Million Pounds of Clay since 2014 - let's get creative!